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Our Vision
We exist to help change the trajectory of the lives of pregnant teens and new moms and end homelessness through empowerment and resources.
Our Mission
To provide access to critically needed resources and services for teenage mothers, and empower them to be whole and both physically and mentally healthy.


Organization Vision: We exist to help change the trajectory of the lives of pregnant teens and new moms and end homelessness through empowerment and resources.

Organization Mission: To provide access to critically needed resources and services for teenage mothers, and empower them to be whole and both physically and mentally healthy.

Meet the Founder

"My personal experience as a teen mother ignited my passion for supporting teen mothers with tools, and resources needed to build a successful life. My commitment to making a difference in the lives of others, shines through my dedication, fueled by empathy, understanding, and a fierce determination to empower, and uplift young moms everywhere."

Mecklenburg County Data


Disaggregated by racialized groupValueError Margin
Teen Births1717-18
Hispanic (all races)4442-46
Non-Hispanic Asian64-7
Non-Hispanic Black2120-22
Non-Hispanic two or more races1412-17
Non-Hispanic White33-4


Teen Births in MecklenBurg,North California

Health Factors
Health Behaviors Mecklenburg County North Carolina United States
Teen Births 17 18 17

In Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, there were 17 teen births per 1,000 females ages 15-19.

Definition: Number of births per 1,000 female population ages 15-19.

Error margin: 17-18

Years of data used: 2016-2022

Use caution if comparing these data with prior years

National Center for Health Statistics
Divorce Rate 2.7 (divorces per 1,000)
Leading Cause of Death Heart Disease
Drug Overdose Death Rate 41.8 (per 100,000)
Firearm Injury Death Rate 16.8 (per 100,000)
Homicide Rate 9.2 (per 100,000)
Other Birth Data
North Carolina Birth Data 2022 State
Percent of Births to Unmarried Mothers 40.7
Cesarean Delivery Rate 30.2
Preterm Birth Rate 10.70
Low Birthweight Rate 9.43
Key Health Indicators
Fertility Rate 57.6 (births per 1,000 women 15-44 years of age)
Teen Birth Rate 15.0 (births per 1,000 females 15-19 years of age)
Infant Mortality Rate 6.49 (infant deaths per 1,000 live births)
Life Expectancy (at Birth) 76.1 years (2020)